
Hypnotic Friend

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biffiea's avatar

Literature Text

     Hypnotic Friend
     by Biffiea

     Kevin, well, he was always a tad bit lonely. It’s not that he wasn’t a likeable person, he was, but whatever thrived in the human spirit that drove our species to want to interact with others just wasn’t there. Oh sure, he was more than friendly, and always willing to do favors for strangers, and never once turned down an invitation to join a conversation, he just didn’t go out to meet people. He could be sitting alone at lunch, peacefully enjoying his meal, and not make any attempt to have a single other person join him. Because he wasn’t outgoing, and despite the fact he was highly regarded among his peers, Kevin didn’t really have any close friends.
     In other regards, he was a normal 17 year old boy. He did okay in High School, was fairly culturally enlightened, and, was actually an okay singer. Kevin was fairly lanky, never finding the time to work out any, but never really over eating either. His hair was a brown, unruly mess most of the time.
     Somehow, his disposition to staying alone, did not quite make him a loner, but the constant isolation was starting to get to him. No longer could he remain an island. He needed contact.
     He found some of that in the furry community, but purely electronic relationships just aren’t the same as ones based on flesh and blood contact, and he was left further unfulfilled. Now, any story of interest begins with something unusual, after all, without a pig calling a meeting of animals, would Animal Farm have ever begun, would the time machine’s story ever been told without a battered scientist wandering into a dinner party? No, and tonight's story is no exception, beginning with an incredibly unusual event.

     Kevin was attempting to sleep in the middle of the night, which was normal, but outside, on the calm dark street of suburbia a car speeding by, the driver, barely being able to see from the small amount of light produced from his broken up Chevy, was completely unaware that the road ahead was about to bend to the right, and promptly jumped the curve. The car, being a body in motion with no forces acting on it, perfectly followed Newton’s original laws of motion. However parabola being formed in the air could not continue into the ground, as there was in his way, a massive, massive oak tree. With a crash that woke up the night like no other could, Kevin shot up in his bed.
     “What the hell was that!!!” he shouted, walking over to the window, swaying side to side as all truly tired people do. From there, he looked out onto his neighbours lawn, where, if he had been fully aware what exactly had been going on, would have been able to deduce that the driver was one of the luckiest human beings in existence. “Man, that the second time this year someone has run straight into the Jefferson's tree, I can see why they planted it there. Its way better than someone driving into your living room after all.” The driver removed himself from the car, completely unharmed.
     Being that this was an accident, the Jefferson's had called the police after hearing the crash. Luckily for them, a a patrol car was in the nearby area, and responded almost immediately. Now Kevin had little interest in the proceedings of the his neighbours property damage suit, so he went back to bed. *WHOOP WHOOP* Of course, if that happened, the story wouldn’t be going anywhere, no would it. The police cars siren blared twice, and then stopped. As Kevin returned to his vantage point, he saw a police officer, and managed to make out what he was saying. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that, my siren’s been malfunctioning. It blares every now and again, but don’t worry about it, it shouldn’t bother us as we discuss you’re proceedings here.”
     “Great, he’s going to be parked there awhile, no way am I getting to sleep any time soon.” As the siren blared again, Kevin went over to his computer. He logged onto one of his furry forums, trying to see if anything was going on. There was a new post up by someone with a name he had never heard of. “Hello, I wanted to advertised something, but not to too many people, that’s why I’m on at midnight.” Well, Kevin had no clue who this was, but was already preparing to make this guy as a spammer. No one advertised on his forum. “I have an experimental hypnotic recording. Most make you feel as if you are different from your normal self. This one if different though.” Hypnosis wasn’t exactly a frequently brought up topic on this forum, so seeing that was enough to keep the teenager from clicking the repot button. “This makes you see someone else with you. A furry, and which ever one you want. It’s the furry companion file.  It makes you have you’re own imaginary friend that you can see and feel, but nobody else can. Imagine having the companion ship of a furry around! I’m posting this file at night so my sever doesn’t get nuked. It cuts back on the number of people who get to use it, but its better than nobody getting it.”
     Now Kevin wasn’t into hypnosis that much, but he was far from being closed minded. Not to mention, being alone... is was starting to get to him. Not to be confused with being full on depressed, Kevin had simply felt down. He clicked the download link, and watched as it quickly streamed to his computer. Quickly sitting up, and *WHOOP WHOOP* “Ahh!!!” he shouted as he was reminded why he was out of bed at this time of night. Kevin picked up his head phones, and updated his iPod, now complete with the hypnosis file he wanted. As he walked by his window, back to the warm comforts of his bed, he saw the police car driving away, a tow truck hauling away the wreckage of the wrecked vehicle. “Well, it’ll be quite.”
     Now, as he laid in bed, turning on the file, he was of course very sleepy. It wasn’t long before the calming voice at the front of the tape began to work its magic, trapping Kevin into a trance.

     Some time later Kevin’s eyes opened weekly. “headphones...” he mumbled. Why in the world did he fall asleep with those on? But he was too groggy to consider such things as he tossed them aside, and curled back into bed. It was easier than it should have been, but there was a very comforting noise throughout the room. A humming, like a cat purring, made even more unusual by the fact that Kevin’s family didn’t own a cat. It was calming, and the covers on his bed were softer than ever. It was easy to be lulled back into sleep.

     The next morning, Kevin slowly woke up, not from the sound of an alarm ringing though the air, but naturally. There was no school that day, so he could wake up at his leisure. Though, today as he slowly came to his senses. A course close to his ear was giving off a fairly loud noise, and the groggy teenager recognised it, a cat’s purring. Curious, he turned his to the side, focusing his eyes to see... a cat girl, sleeping right next to him.
Kevin blinked several  times, hoping to clear up the image in front of him, but as the sleet cleared completely, the image remained the same. There was a cat woman sleeping next to him, purring very loudly. Attempting to back out of the bed, he was brought to an immediate halt. Her arms were wrapped around him, loving Kevin to her body. Kevin thought quickly. While he did want to get out of his bed quickly to asses the situation better, he didn’t want to wake up the strange creature, lest she attack him with whatever powerful claws she certainly possessed. However, the dilemma was quickly solved, as her eyes opened, and stared directly into his. “good morning Kevin” she said with a great gentleness to her voice.
     Now, when meeting someone for the first time, the beginning moments are absolutely crucial, which is why Kevin responded with a well thought out, “AHHHHHH!!” He shot out of her arms and fell onto the floor, slamming down on his side. “Who are you!!!” again he screamed out, quickly moving away from his bed, using his arms and legs to scuttle.
     The cat woman sat up in the bed revealing far more about herself. She was tall, seven feet tall, and certainly stood far over Kevin. Her fur was a jet blue, but she also had long hair of a deeper color on her head. The most prominent feature though, was her very large set of breasts. As she stood up, giggling, Kevin saw she must be a D cup. Fur kept everything covered up though, and it was impossible to really see anything. “Why Kevin, I don’t know who I am yet, you haven’t given me a name!”
     He froze at this. The memory of that hypnosis file he listened to last night, it had worked! She was the furry companion is was supposed to generate! “Uhh, you need a name? How about Kat?” he said, still a little awe-struck at the appearance of the incredibly sexy blue cat.
     “Mm, I like it! Very simple.” She said, a distinct purr in her voice as she got down onto the floor, once more pulling him into a giant hug. Kevin could really only blush at that point, her breasts were being shoved up against his chin, which he really wasn’t expecting.
     “UHhh.... okay” he almost returned her hug, but was too busy being paralysed from having a naked furry up against him. “So, you’re the imaginary friend from the hypnosis, tape?”
     “Of course I am, and don’t say imaginary friend like that,” she pulled them both up to a standing position, “There’s nothing imaginary about me, at least to you.” Kevin then noticed that his body was responding to her pulling on him as if she had a physical body. “It’s all in the mind, you know?!” She giggled at his confusion.
     “Just to be clear, nobody else can see or here you?”
     “Nope, just you!” She was wagging her tail, a wide grin on her face as if she was hiding something, but Kevin didn’t pick up on that. “But there are all sort of things I can do to you.”
     “Okay then,” Kevin said, unable to decipher her meaning. “What so, are we supposed to be friends now?” The teenager really wasn’t used to meeting new people, and that showed better than ever in this conversation.
     “Well of course silly! We’ll be friends, and I’ll always make sure you’re happy!” Kat smiled, and took the opportunity to put her friend in the third hug in as many minutes. “Now, you’re getting hungry,” Kevin didn’t bother to ask how she knew that, “Let’s get some breakfast, or just you, I don’t really need to eat.” She led the two of them out the door, and downstairs to the kitchen.

     The next few weeks passed along as strangely as they could for Kevin. He was discovering more and more new things about his new friend. First of all, she had some control over his movement. Every now and again, she would force him out of bed to do homework, which is all he really needed, someone to nag him psychically, but his grades were improving, and he was even getting into better shape at Kat’s prodding. However, being a cat, a creature revealing in misheof, she  would often get her friend to act like a cat. Licking his hand, stretching out on all fours, lapping up milk. She loved to see him do it, and while he didn’t necessarily like being forced to act like a cat, he couldn’t say that it disagreed with him any either.
     Also, it seems at time she could posses, him, taking over all of his actions, as well as his speech, and nervous habits. One week, a friend of Kevin’s was treated to one of the strangest conversation he had ever heard. One moment, they were discussing the role of manga in popular culture when suddenly, it seemed as if his voice had shot up two registers, and he ended his next sentence with a loud “Nya!”  He also seemed to hug everyone who said hi to him, the teen reaching out for a giant hug each time.
     While Kat’s appearance into his life changed Kevin a great deal, making him more outgoing, a better worker, and all together happier, his life did not change a great deal from what is was originally, just now, there was a cat woman in it, but that was all about to change quite starkly. After all, Kat had a personality all her own, and there were things she wanted for her friend.

     It was just another day for Kevin, and he was getting dressed. Kat was naturally outside of his room, as despite the fact she was always naked, he didn’t  enjoy being watched as he got dressed, but when he reached to pull his belt tight, he found something very surprising. “What the, I’m down a belt size!”
     “Well, you have been working out more, maybe you’ve just been losing weight?” Kat said from outside, a wide grin across her face like she was the cheshire cat.
      “Not the way I’ve eaten all week. I’ve downed a ton of ice cream, well, it’s probably nothing anyway.” As Kevin pulled his shirt down, a great force struck him in the back.
     “Got you!!!” Kat had pounced him, and stood triumphantly on top of his back. Reaching down to lick at his cheek, Kevin just laughed.
      “You know Kat, some days I swear that you’re real.”
     “I’m certainly real enough for you!” she giggled, helping him to stand up.
     Standing up fully, he noticed something else a bit strange. “Kat, have you gotten any shorter recently?” He figured the height difference would be hers, after all, he was the one that was real.
     “Nope,” she replied, “same as always. Must be a trick on your eyes.” He wanted to believe her... but her chin just seemed closer to him than usual. Well, he wouldn’t think about it.
     “Okay well, lets get some breakfast.” Kat had no problem with always being around a human, but to Kevin, her preferences were known. She would far prefer him to be a cat like herself, a female cat. Several times when she was in control of his movement, Kat made Kevin walk with a sway in his hips, and one time on all fours. Most of the day, Kevin was in class, leaving Kat to herself, and her own thoughts. She may not be real, but she was intrinsically bound to Kevin’s psyche, and many powers came with that.
     “Uh, when did this shirt become so itchy,” cried Kevin as he scratched at his skin beneath his shirt. “Man, I knew I shouldn’t have tried out that new detergent.” His parents were out of town on business, so he had the entire place to himself. Leaving the two of them alone together was all the opportunity Kat needed to spring into action. “Why is it so warm in here? Why did this suddenly become the most uncomfortable day of my life!” he shouted out in frustration Kevin walked over to the thermostat, and turned it down considerably.
     “Sorry Kevin, guess its just not your day.” Kat was putting all her mental focus into not giggling at Kevin. The fur growing under his shirt had made him incredibly pouffy, his pants soon would follow. Although, this was in its own way a bad thing. Watching her oblivious companion transform without him noticing at all was great entertainment, but soon it would come to an end.
     “Great, now my legs itch too!” His legs serving as a distraction, Kevin didn’t at all notice the sudden tightness in his shirt, as too very recognisable bulges formed and grew out. It was at that moment, the teenager was to frustrated, he quickly pulled down his pants, not caring who saw him, to find what was causing to his itching, but what he saw made him forget everything else. There was fur, dark blue fur with occasional stripes of sky blue. “What in the” he knew only one person could be at the bottom of this, and he turned to look right in their eyes as the transforming human felt the fur crawl up his neck.
     “Yep, its me!” Kat said with a smile, walking over, and pulling Kevin’s shirt up over his head, leaving him in boxers.
     “Why how?” Being transformed into a completely different species was too destroying Kevin’s ability to be angry with anybody. The site of budding breasts on his chest also made it difficult for him to act in any passionate. All that gripped his mind was paralysis.
     “Life’s more fun as a cat person, plus, I want someone else of my own kind around! Don’t worry about that though, just think about all the fun we’re about to have together!” She giggled quite loudly after that. Kevin, who’s cognitive faculties still escaped him on several levels, saw the world shrink around him. Adding inches by the minute now, he could see the difference clearly.
     With all the alterations occurring throughout his body, it was easy for Kevin to miss the smaller changes, like his ears turning pointed. If he had been paying attention, then he might have heard the loud series of cracks that moved them to the top of his head. Luckily, Kat was there to inform him. “Ohhh! Kevin!! Those ears are so cute!!!” She ran over, and instantly started to scratch him behind the ears, and the relaxation showed on his face. “You make a cute cat, and you’re not even done yet!”
     He was getting there though. His face pointed out into a muzzle, and his height finally stabilised, leaving him a few inches shorter than the cat behind him.  Kevin was actually enjoying himself. The combination of crippling fear, and the wonderful scratching his received from behind  kept him calm, but then a though entered his head. There were breasts on his chest, wouldn’t there be one more thing to follow? His eyes shot open, realising what was going to happen to him, and within moments he felt a tightness in his groin. “You couldn’t have left me a man!!” Kevin shouted out.
     “Of course not silly! It’ll only be as fun if you’re a girl!” She giggled out loud, but then knew her old friend was done. She could sense everything about him, and saw Kevin, no... that wasn’t a good name for him anymore...
     “Ahh...” Apparently, all the stress of the transformation, being continually pent up from being to paralysed to scream out, had finally gotten to the newly transformed furry, who passed out into Kat’s arms.

     As Kevin woke up, he remembered vividly what had transpired in the last few hours, and he could feel all of it. Leaning up in bed, he twisted his head to see around the room, feeling the new weight on his chest. “That’s going to take some getting used to.” His voice had also risen a few registers. Twisting his head to the right, he saw Kat sitting on the floor and smiling at him. for some reason, perhaps Kat’s doing, she didn’t feel nervous at all, or angry.
     “Who, what are you?” said Kat with a giggle in her voice. Kevin knew what that was a reference to. The cat got up, and walked over to a mirror, where she saw her new body for the first time. She looked remarkably like Kat, deep blue fur with stripes, just a few inches shorter, and just as sexy.
     “I don’t know” Kevin said. Kevin was a terribly inappropriate name for a cat girl. She put her hands on her hips, and flicked her head over to look right at Kat, who stood up in response. “You haven’t given me a name yet.”
     Kat pulled her into a strong hug, “Maybe tiger? Its good to keep it simple after all.” The larger cat reached down to give her new friend a lick on the cheek.
     “That sounds good.” It occurred to her that there were parts of her life that would have to change. “I’ll just take all the details as I come to them.” It was amazing, she couldn’t feel a single ping of anger in her despite everything.
     “That’s a good attitude to keep, now, you never actually had breakfast, let’s get you some milk.”
Okay, admittedly, I don't think this story is that good, and in fact, pretty bad for my standards. I got about half way through this when it hit me that I didn't really have any ideas on where to take it. Notice the complete absence of character development, and poor descriptions. I just couldn't come up with anything original for this. Now, it may be better to think of it as an outline for a greater concept. I could easily make other stories with a similar premice, like maybe a kid who's partner from the tapes turns out to be a little kid, or an older brother, or something like that. Heck, if you have your own ideas, feel free to hock them in the comments.
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Multiverse-Ferzin119's avatar
It might be late, i''e seen you on WMM and i wondered if you still had the furry companion file, i really want to use it, because the experience you've written down is making me so excited for the file. .w.